October was again a good month for Zion in terms of our finances. Our General Fund total income for the month was about $71,500 which is a little over 10% higher than that received in October of 2021. And for the first time since last January, our General Fund income exceeded our monthly expenses. For the year to date, however, we are still slightly behind last year’s income. Our average weekly this year is about $13,800 whereas last year at this time it was a little over $14,000. Even so, we appear to be moving in the right direction with our increased offerings. As of the end of October, our total General Fund expenses have exceeded our income by about $69,000. Most of our increased expenses are created by the resumption and in some cases the expansion of our programs.
Our Building Fund income for October was a little over $15,000. Again, like the General Fund, this is a little more than our monthly mortgage payment. For the year to date, we are only short about $3,000 in meeting our mortgage expense. So the Building Fund income vs. expense is pretty much on track.
Thanks to all who have made supporting Zion financially a priority.