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It all belongs to God. We are merely stewards of His precious resources.

Online Giving

Contributions are billed to your credit card or debit card either immediately or according to your chosen schedule. ACH option is also available.

  • Set up your giving online through your InFellowship account (the same account used to register for events or access the member directory).
  • Schedule options are weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually.
  • Fund options include the General Fund, Building Fund, Mission Funds, Memorial Fund, and Zion Foundation.
  • Change your giving any time through your InFellowship account.
  • Download a giving statement for this year or last year


Text the word GIVE to 763-335-1245 to access online giving from a cellphone.

To use an online payment service, please use the email address

Electronic Funds Transfer

Contributions are transferred automatically from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account, according to your chosen schedule.

  • Set up your giving by filling out a paper authorization form and providing a canceled check.
  • Schedule options are the 1st and/or 15th of each month.
  • Fund options are the General Fund and Building Fund.
  • Zion pays a set service fee to provide this option to members.
  • Change your giving by filling out a new authorization form.

Give in Person

Giving envelopes are available in dated two-month sets, delivered to your mailbox. Please note that these are sent to the printer well in advance so there is a delay in adding or removing recipients from the list and for address changes. 

Pew envelopes are always available in the Sanctuary, in the church office, and at the information desk on Sundays. 

Envelopes can be placed in the offering plate at indoor worship services or in the receptacles provided at outdoor worship services. They can also be mailed to the office or brought to the church office.

Offerings made with a check do not need an envelope to be attributed to you (please write in the memo if your gift should be directed to any fund other than the General Fund).

What is Stewardship?

Stewardship is simply the act of managing the resources God has given us. Here at Zion, we believe that it is an integral part of our faith walk. Stewardship is a spiritual issue that needs to be nurtured just like any other aspect of our lives. Closely related to our attitude about giving of our time, talents, and possessions, it is not something to be feared. Those of us who have embarked on an intimate walk with Christ have found that “Giving is Good for the Giver.” We invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and growth.

Financial Stewardship

Zion seeks to fulfill an ambitious mission, which calls for a strong stewardship program. The two goals are closely related. Jesus is well aware of the importance of giving. Of the forty-two parables Jesus used in His ministry, twenty-five of them dealt with how we use our possessions. While He talks about prayer in the Bible 372 times, He talks about possessions and giving 2,172 times! We are challenged to give of our first fruits by setting aside gifts for God’s ministry before we spend on ourselves, and we are challenged to give sacrificially using the tithe (ten percent of our income) as a biblical benchmark.

Different Funds

General Fund

Operating expenses and day-to-day expenses like staff salaries, synod support, and committee expenses.

Building Fund

Building mortgage expenses.

Special Envelopes

Extra envelopes such as Global Mission and World Hunger gifts, Sunday School & Cemetery.