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Giving to Different Ministries

by Dirk Foster
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Did you know that you don’t have to limit your electronic giving to just the General Fund or the Building Fund? In addition to the General and Building funds, Zion maintains a Special Projects account with over 50 specific line item ministries and programs. We recently updated online giving options. The link to the website is

Here are just a few of the options you now have to give directly to a program or ministry:

  • General Fund
  • Building Fund donation
  • Mission Donation
  • Zion Foundation Donation
  • Cemetery Fund
  • Seasonal Donation
  • CYF Ministry Donation
  • Other Donation

Some of these main categories have subcategories. If you choose Mission Donation, for example, you can then further choose Global, Local, or World Hunger. If you choose, CYF (Children, Youth and Family) Ministry you can choose the subcategories of Sunday School & Elementary School ministries, Confirmation & Middle School ministries, High School ministries, or Bible Camp Scholarships. If you can’t find what you are looking for, you can choose Other and write in the ministry or program you want your donation to go to. Or contact Steve Peterson at to work out the details of your offering. You can give a one-time special offering to a program or ministry, or you can set up reoccurring offerings.

You can set up your online giving via Automatic Clearing House (ACH) transactions, also known as Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), or using a credit card. ACH transactions, typically, do not charge a fee, but you should check with your bank. Credit card transactions will incur a transaction fee that has to be paid by the church, but the website gives you an option to increase your giving by 2.5% to help offset that fee.

No matter if you give electronically, during worship, or mail in your offering, thank you for your generous and continual giving to Zion. Your gifts allow Zion to carry out our mission to share Christ’s word, strengthen faith and serve those in need.

Dirk Foster

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