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Giving Time

by Mike Davis, Stewardship Committee

Greetings from the Zion Stewardship Committee! April is an exciting time. In addition to Easter and the warmer weather of Spring, the weekend of April 22-24 will be SERVE Weekend. This is a great opportunity for us all to take part in meaningful stewardship by giving of our time and talents in fun and rewarding ways (plus you can get a t-shirt from Thrivent if you sign up ahead of time). Go to for more information about projects and to sign up.

Stewardship can be so much more than just giving financially. Giving our time and talents to help and serve others is an opportunity for us all to practice being ‘the hands and feet of Jesus’. If you are unable to participate during this year’s SERVE Weekend, please consider other opportunities to serve. Look around you and try to help those that you can. Bring someone a meal or pick up their groceries. Give blood. Volunteer/donate to your local food shelf. Share a kind word of thanks to those that are protecting us all. If you happen to be a Thrivent member, there are opportunities for ‘Action Grants’ if you have a serve idea that may require some nominal capital funding. Stop by the information desk at church for more information.

Aren’t able to take part during SERVE Weekend, but still want to contribute financially? Using InFellowship you can log in to use your saved information, or give without a login.


Mike Davis, Stewardship Committee

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