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News from Redeemer 2022.10

by Global Missions Committee

Welcome Pastor Jen Collins

Pastor Jen Collins was installed as pastor of Redeemer on Sunday, October 16. Pastor Jen comes to Redeemer from the St Paul Area Synod. She is married and has two young daughters. Pastor Jen is excited to be in partnership with and lead Redeemer members in ministry and to get to know ministry partners such as Zion. She recognizes how God’s spirit has the power to strengthen relationships and build community. Redeemer is so excited to have her as their new pastor!

Diaper Distribution

The Diaper Distribution ministry is a vital part of Redeemer’s neighbor, Minneapolis Central Church of Christ’s (MCCC), weekly food distribution. Redeemer Lutheran Church’s Outreach and Evangelism team coordinates the distribution by inviting its ministry partners like Zion to participate in weekly “diaper drops.”

Redeemer Lutheran wants to share the impact of Zion’s recent $1,000 gift and the 20 boxes of diapers that were donated the week of October 10. The reach of the distribution extends from the 55405 church neighborhood to 55411 and some zip codes beyond.   It is interesting to note that the 55411 zip code area, which is adjacent and directly north of 55405, comprises a very large number of single-parent homes. The percentage of children under 18 living in this zip code is markedly large compared to the 55405 neighborhood – and even compared to other areas of the country (you can see these stats at

The numbers explain the high need and demand for diapers. The cost of diapers and wipes is on the rise with a large box of 124 diapers costing an average of $44.00. When a family receives a weekly sleeve of 32 diapers and a pouch of wipes, they are saving approximately $15/week which can make a difference in a tight budget. On September 24th, the food distribution served a record-breaking 180 families. That day, we gave approximately 108 sleeves of diapers totaling 27 boxes.

Redeemer thanks you at Zion Lutheran for your amazing efforts and contributions! Together, we are clothing the little ones and by doing so, we are caring for the families in and around our church neighborhood.

Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway

Redeemer is participating in the local food pantry turkey giveaway. Donated turkeys will be accepted through November 18 for distribution on November 19. Contact Sally Ankerfelt at Redeemer for more information.

Redeemer Lutheran Church is our Global Missions partner in North Minneapolis.

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