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Recording Holy Communion and Financial Contributions

We are so glad you have decided to re-establish your voting membership with the Zion family and/or update your information. You can re-establish your voting membership with Zion by doing both of the necessary steps between now and the annual meeting.

By (1) filling out a communion card and (2) using an envelope, check, or electronic giving so your communion and contribution can be attributed to you.

  • When you receive communion (on the first and third Sundays of each month), please ensure to record your communion by filling out a communion card using either a pew card or an electronic connect card.
  • If you are unable to attend Zion in person, communion will be part of online worship, or you can call the church office (763.682.1245) to request a communion visitor at your home. Please ensure that you record your communion by using the electronic connect card, or the communion card provided by the communion visitor.
  • When you make a financial contribution of any amount, please use a pew envelope, check, or electronic giving to make sure your gift can be attributed to you. Financial contributions to Zion are confidential.
  • If anyone in your household has other information to update, please fill out this online form, contact the church at:, or call 763.682.1245, and we will be happy to help you.

We are here to support you in any way we can, not only concerning this matter but in all ways.