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Financial Report 20202.10

by John Lindlief, Finance Committee

September was an encouraging financial month for Zion.  Our General Fund income/offering for the month was 6.6% higher than what we received in September 2021.  Our weekly average income for the month was just a few dollars short of $15,000.   For the year to date, we are still lagging behind last year’s income by 3.2%.  But with more months like September, we will be closing that gap.

Our expenses for September are considerably greater than they were a year ago.  We have resumed programs and activities which were dormant last year.  That makes for exciting times.  We also continue to experience significantly increased property expenses with utility costs being one of the biggest factors.  They have risen by almost 50%  But the good news in that expense is that it is partially due to the increased usage of the building which is a good thing.

Our Building Fund continues to be stable.  For the year to date, our income has been about 3% higher than at this point last year.  Our mortgage expense so far this year has exceeded our income by about $4500.

Thanks to all who have made Zion a financial priority.  Your contributions make a difference.


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