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Diapers Distributed

The Serve Planning Team and The Social Ministry Team are so thankful for the generous donation of diapers that took place in September to highlight the ELCA’s annual “God’s Work.  Our Hands” service project.

The Diaper Program was implemented in 2021 in conjunction with the Blessing Closet and serves fifteen families each month with a large box of diapers (125-160 count) in our community.

This year Zion will distribute diapers to about 180 families at the value of $4,500.  None of this money comes from Zion’s General Fund so drives like this are very appreciated.  You can also support this mission by using the special envelope you receive each month called ‘Local Mission.’

Thanks for helping solve the tremendous struggle of the cost of diapers that effect families financially and emotionally.

This is truly ‘God’s Work. Our Hands.”
Roger & Sandy Brenny, Blessing Closet

Carol Moore from Zion’s Global Mission Committee & Pastor Jen Collins from Redeemer Lutheran Church

Thank you for all the diapers for the 3rd Saturday distribution! Zion came through “big time” with about ten boxes of diapers and many individual packs. We combined these diapers with the donations from Redeemer members, which made for a healthy supply for the 11am-2pm distribution. Zion’s monetary donation will be used to supplement about three months of future donations. Families are very grateful for the support they are receiving.
Sally Ankerfelt, Redeemer Lutheran Church


Roger and Sandy distributing diapers at Zion

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