Two months ago, those at our global mission partner, All Kids Can Learn International/Village of Hope, were shocked to wake up without water in the Village of Hope in Zambia, Africa. They re-routed water pipes from the veggie gardens to provide water for the Village. At the same time, they learned that two of the Irrigation wells were pumping mud; they too were going dry. What a sinking feeling!! Naturally, they need water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and for irrigation to grow crops providing food.
Their previous wells were drying up. Years of drought have taken their toll. Larger and deeper wells were needed.
They had a hydro-engineering specialist come out from Lusaka, the capital of Zambia. He advised that they drill five new wells up to 100 meters deep, each with a diameter of 8 inches. Two for the Village, two for the agricultural irrigation, and one for the road-front and the restaurant (the current wells average 60 meters deep, and average 6 inches in diameter).
Then the drillers came. Two of the sites that were drilled were dry, even after they drilled down 300 feet. A third site yielded 2.5 liters a second, good for domestic uses. But it kept collapsing! It took five days for the drillers to stabilize it with steel casing.
But then came the huge blessing! The drillers hit a location that yielded 6 gallons a second; over 360 gallons a minute. This is just what we need and prayed for, for our irrigation. Praise God! Once again, He poured out His Grace and Blessings providing just what we need!
We thank God, and we thank you for coming to our rescue. We make a great team together in Christ to save and serve the children He has given us to love and care for.
As the year ends, and the giving season comes, please continue to remember us as we care for our rural children in Zambia.
Thank you to all of you who contributed to the project with your prayers and donations. It couldn’t have happened without you.
Kathleen Schwartz, Village of Hope