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Voting Members

We love seeing Zion members around the building as well as in the community and hope you are finding ways to engage at Zion this fall. As we approach our annual meeting on Sunday, December 4, we want to make sure every eligible member can vote and make their voice heard. Voting membership offers you the opportunity to cast your vote for things like the budget, changes to ZLC’s constitution, voting on the call for the new senior pastor, and

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Membership Data

How many members does Zion have? Simple question, but the answer is complex and this time last year, we really didn’t have an answer that we felt was very accurate. So, the council formed a small working group to develop policies and processes associated with membership at Zion. The constitution provides some information and direction on membership but not a lot. Chapter 12 states “The Congregation Council shall provide for an annual review of the membership roster,” but doesn’t give

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Annual Membership Review

The Zion constitution states: The Congregation Council shall provide for an annual review of the membership roster. Well…. To tell you the truth, we haven’t been very good at doing this in the past, but we are working on changing that. Most churches aren’t very good at keeping their membership rosters updated, but a small group of Zion council members, along with Angela our Membership Coordinator, have been meeting regularly to create a process that fulfills this requirement. So far,

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What Is a Member

What does it mean to be a member of Zion? Simple question, right? But in fact, the question is very complex. Are there different types of members? What activities help define membership? If I go to church periodically, then I’m a member of Zion, right? All very good questions. The answers may surprise you! The constitution defines four different members: Baptized – whether you’ve been baptized at Zion or baptized at another church before joining Zion. Confirmed – whether you

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