Each summer (June-August) Zion offers members and friends the opportunity to worship at our historic Marysville Swedesburg church, and an old-fashioned ice cream social is held at Marysville each summer.

Just a reminder… this is a little country church, with no modern amenities.

Marysville Exterior

History of Swedesburg

The Swedesburg (AKA Marysville) Church was served by the same pastors as the Carlslund (later known as Zion) congregation until the Swedesburg congregation disbanded in 1950 and the members joined Zion. In 1973 the building was restored to celebrate the centennial of Swedesburg, and Monday evening summer services commenced at that time.

Severe Weather Policy

  • Services will be canceled when severe weather (tornado or severe thunderstorm) threatens the immediate Marysville area.
  • On evenings when heat indices and high humidity are a concern, scheduled services will be held and worshippers will be encouraged to make their own decision about attendance.
    Cancellations will be posted on the church website and on KRWC radio by 6pm.
Brooke Schmidt/ Nathan Reinking Rehearsal
Brooke Schmidt/ Nathan Reinking Wedding

From Central Ave, Buffalo

  • Go west on Wright Cty 35 (Lake Blvd. W) at the Wright County Courthouse.
  • After 3 miles, turn left/west, and stay on Wright Cty 35 (#109 continues west).
  • After 2 more miles, turn left/south on Wright Cty 9 (Dempsey Ave).
  • Continue 2.5 miles, and find Marysville on your right at 25th St SW.