The Blessing Closet ministry, which began at Zion in 2015, collects, sorts, and distributes new and slightly used children’s (infant to high school age) clothing free to kids in our community and surrounding areas. It has been a huge success, and Zion has distributed over 10,000 items of clothing, shoes, and coats to approximately 1,000 local children in need of assistance during the first two quarterly distribution events.
Blessing Closet Update
Serving for Jesus
Zion is a congregation filled with people who are committed to serving with Jesus. Each time we gather for worship,…
Blessing Closet Donations and Distributions
How many times have you heard or said the following: “I want to donate my family clothes but not to…
October Blessing Closet
A huge thank you to all the wonderful donors and volunteers who were able to make winter much warmer and…
Kid’s Choice Continues Through The Summer Months
The Social Ministry team helps children in the area by teaming with the Buffalo Food Shelf to pack ‘KID’S CHOICE’…